

Matches 201 to 250 of 618

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 #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
201 S823 Connecticut, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 
Presidents and Royalty 
202 S735 Connecticut, Deaths and Burials Index, 1650-1934 
Presidents and Royalty 
203 S755 Connecticut, Hale Collection of Cemetery Inscriptions and Newspaper Notices, 1629-1934 
Presidents and Royalty 
204 S1110 Cook County, Illinois, Birth Certificates Index, 1871-1922 
Presidents and Royalty 
205 S1112 Cook County, Illinois, Marriage and Death Indexes, 1833-1889 
Presidents and Royalty 
206 S1047 Count of Angouleme
Presidents and Royalty 
207 S868 Count of Flanders
Presidents and Royalty 
208 S906 Count of Hainaut
Presidents and Royalty 
209 S935 Count of Pointhieu
Presidents and Royalty 
210 S1072 Cunninghame Scotland
Presidents and Royalty 
211 S1088 David II Bruce
Presidents and Royalty 
212 S1038 David Lindsay
Presidents and Royalty 
213 S1245 Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom
Presidents and Royalty 
214 S1031 Debrett's Peerage of the United Kingdom
Presidents and Royalty 
215 S668 Dictionary of National Biography, Volumes 1-20, 22 
Presidents and Royalty 
216 S809 District of Columbia, Marriage Records, 1810-1953 
Presidents and Royalty 
217 S1054 Dormant, Abeyant, Forfeited, and Extinct Peerages
Burke, Sir Bernard 
Presidents and Royalty 
218 S769 Dudley Castle
Presidents and Royalty 
219 S917 Duke of Aquitaine
Presidents and Royalty 
220 S900 Duke of Bavaria
Presidents and Royalty 
221 S1005 Duke of Brabant
Presidents and Royalty 
222 S1232 Duke of Hamilton
Presidents and Royalty 
223 S779 Duke of Normandy
Presidents and Royalty 
224 S1011 Duke of Swabia
Presidents and Royalty 
225 S952 Duke of York
Presidents and Royalty 
226 S898 Dunfermline Abbey
Presidents and Royalty 
227 S1106 Durham Cathedral
Presidents and Royalty 
228 S943 Earl and Duke of Somerset
Presidents and Royalty 
229 S1163 Earl Marischal
Presidents and Royalty 
230 S957 Earl of Angus
Presidents and Royalty 
231 S963 Earl of Argyll
Presidents and Royalty 
232 S852 Earl of Arundel
Presidents and Royalty 
233 S955 Earl of Bothwell
Presidents and Royalty 
234 S1060 Earl of Buchan
Presidents and Royalty 
235 S1041 Earl of Crawford
Presidents and Royalty 
236 S1020 Earl of Douglas
Presidents and Royalty 
237 S1066 Earl of Dunbar
Presidents and Royalty 
238 S1138 Earl of Eglinton
Presidents and Royalty 
239 S1155 Earl of Fife
Presidents and Royalty 
240 S1152 Earl of Glencairn
Presidents and Royalty 
241 S853 Earl of Hereford
Presidents and Royalty 
242 S951 Earl of Lancaster
Presidents and Royalty 
243 S866 Earl of Leicester
Presidents and Royalty 
244 S1147 Earl of Lennox
Presidents and Royalty 
245 S1034 Earl of Moray
Presidents and Royalty 
246 S1165 Earl of Morton
Presidents and Royalty 
247 S1024 Earl of Ross
Presidents and Royalty 
248 S1063 Earl of Shrewsbury
Presidents and Royalty 
249 S1070 Earl of Strathearn
Presidents and Royalty 
250 S790 Earl of Strathmore
Presidents and Royalty 

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