

Tree: Presidents and Royalty

Country : Latitude: 60.12816100000001, Longitude: 18.643501

Tree: Cock_Goad Family

Country : Latitude: 60.12816100000001, Longitude: 18.643501

Tree: Woodworth Ancestry

Country : Latitude: 60.12816100000001, Longitude: 18.643501

Tree: MontyHistNotes_2014

Country : Latitude: 60.12816100000001, Longitude: 18.643501

Tree: MontyHistNotes_II

Country : Latitude: 60.12816100000001, Longitude: 18.643501


Matches 51 to 63 of 63

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID   Tree 
51 Montgomery-Cedarhielm, Josias Carl  17 Jul 1887Sweden I11414 MontyHistNotes_II 
52 Montgomery-Cedarhielm, Roger Percival  24 Nov 1884Sweden I11412 MontyHistNotes_II 
53 Montgomery-Cedarhielm, Tomas Cecil  5 Feb 1886Sweden I11413 MontyHistNotes_II 
54 Morlanda, Hedda Maria Amalia Mörner af  20 Apr 1865Sweden I11408 MontyHistNotes_II 
55 Naslund, Nels  4 Mar 1895Sweden I39999 MontyHistNotes_II 
56 Olafsdatter, Gunhild  923Sweden I6802 Presidents and Royalty 
57 Olafsdatter, Gunhild  923Sweden I818 MontyHistNotes_II 
58 Ottarsson, Adils  Abt 572Sweden I1759 MontyHistNotes_II 
59 Ottarsson, Adils  Abt 572Sweden I6841 Presidents and Royalty 
60 Rawson, Olof Rase  1648Sweden I29842 Cock_Goad Family 
61 Slagbrand, Iris Otilia  2 Jun 1892Sweden I8572 MontyHistNotes_II 
62 Smyth, Aracus Eric ¶  Sweden I20014 Woodworth Ancestry 
63 Sylvander, Harald Assar  20 Feb 1885Sweden I45575 MontyHistNotes_II 

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